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Global Vendor Consolidation Guide for ITAD

Are you struggling with decentralized ITAD services?

Inconsistent Processes? Data Security Concerns? Lack of Visibility? Compliance Worries? Or even Resource-Heavy Vendor Management?

Our Guide Is Here to Help You!Vendor Consolidation Guide Mockup (1)

In this Guide you will learn how to:

  • Design your global ITAD program: 10 steps to guide you on creating an effective global IT asset recovery and disposition program.
  • Identify 8 critical factors for consolidation: Understand the important factors when consolidating your program the leading global ITAD company.
  • Address 5 key stakeholder needs: Identify and address the needs of IT, sustainability, operations, compliance, and procurement departments.
  • Manage risks: Learn strategies to manage potential risks when transition to a global IT asset disposal program.
  • Review global vendor marketplace: Review the marketplace and identify key certifications for IT asset disposition companies.
  • Plan for centralized transition: A framework to consider for a comprehensive transition plan of a seamlessly centralized IT asset disposal services.

Download your copy today and set your organization towards a streamlined and effective ITAD program.