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4 Essential ISO Standards to expect from ITAD Company - SK tes Guide

- 23 minute read

It is essential for brands at the top of the supply chain that they can trust IT asset disposition (ITAD) services companies. This trust starts by suppliers being able to prove accreditation to stringent management systems and regulation guidelines. 


1. Why are ISO standards important when selecting an ITAD company?
2. What are ISO standards and an ISO standard list that an ITAD company has? 
  1. ISO9001 – Quality Management Standard 
  2. ISO14001 – Environmental Management Standard 
  3. ISO27001 – Information Security Management Standard 
  4. ISO45001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard

3. Select SK tes as your global ITAD company with appropriate ISO standards 


When validating IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) vendors it’s important to consider external certifications, which ensure adherence to the highest standards of data security, environmental responsibility, and ethical business practices. This is especially important globally, where service consistency and reliability can vary. Opting for a globally certified lifecycle services company enhances confidence that they will meet your expectations and requirements.  

In this blog, we consider the ISO standards that are applicable to ITAD companies. 

SK tes provides a free downloadable guide to consolidating your ITAD program and selecting a global ITAD company.

Why are external accreditations important when selecting an ITAD company? 

For businesses operating across multiple countries, navigating the complex landscape of local laws and regulations can be challenging. ITAD companies with internationally recognized certifications are more likely to understand and adhere to these regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues and penalties. This compliance protects your business and ensures smoother operations and integration of services across different markets. 

What are ISO standards and which ISO standards should an ITAD company have? 

Published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO standards are a set of internationally recognized guidelines and criteria with the primary aim of ensuring quality, safety, efficiency, and interoperability of products, services and systems around the world. 

Typically, global ITAD companies are certified to four ISO standards: ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO27001 and ISO45001. These standards are applicable to all organizations, regardless of size, type, and nature of business, and incorporate aspects such as leadership, worker participation, risk assessment, and continuous improvement. 

Another key standard to look for when considering ITAD companies is the R2 (Responsible Recycling) standard. The R2 standard is a globally recognized certification that ensures ITAD companies adhere to strict environmental, health, safety, and security practices. You can find out more in our Guide to R2 here.

ISO9001:2015 – Quality Management Standard 

Adopted by over a million organizations worldwide, ISO 9001 specifies the requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate their ability to consistently deliver products and services that meet customer and regulatory expectations while showcasing their commitment to continuous improvement. The standard is based on principles, such as strong customer focus, involvement of top management, a process approach, and continual improvement.  

For IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) providers, adhering to ISO 9001 standards means establishing a systematic approach to managing processes. This involves maintaining clear process documentation, performance monitoring, and continuous improvement practices. For customers this ensures meticulous documentation of requirements, adherence to service level agreements, and exacting process standards, minimizing errors, reducing risks, and enhancing satisfaction.  

Given that ITAD companies handle sensitive data and valuable hardware, maintaining strict quality controls is essential. Operating in accordance with an ISO9001 QMS means having a comprehensive Quality Policy, well-defined objectives, and a Quality Manual. Organizational structures and responsibilities are clearly documented, and effective data handling, document control, and process documentation are maintained. Tracking customer satisfaction allows for feedback and performance evaluation, fostering continuous improvement in ITAD services.  

What does ISO9001 mean for a company evaluating ITAD vendors? 

In the ITAD industry, data security and environmental compliance are critical, Adherence to stringent quality management standards is essential, and a certified quality management system ensures proper data destruction by trained personnel. ITAD processes follow strict guidelines with comprehensive records.  

When evaluating vendors, selecting a company with ISO9001 certification is crucial. This certification allows ITAD companies to provide detailed information to support your decision-making. Here are some quality management-related questions to ask potential ITAD vendors.  

  • What is your net promoter score (NPS)? 
  • What were the key findings from your customer satisfaction survey? 
  • What client testimonials do you have? 
  • What client case studies can you provide? 
  • What action plans are in place for service improvement? 
  • Can you share your Standard Operating Procedures for ITAD process? 
  • How do you ensure all technicians are trained appropriately? 
  • What is your procedure for handling issues? 
  • How do you record root cause analysis and corrective and preventative actions? 
  • What quality objectives do you have? 
  • How is quality control built into the ITAD process? 

To see a quality management system in action, visit your ITAD company’s site. Most ITAD companies will gladly offer a tour to showcase their process. SK tes operates to ISO9001 across all our facilities and you can find your nearest SK tes facility here. 

ISO14001:2015 – Environmental Management Standard 

ISO14001 is a globally recognized standard for environmental management systems (EMS) adopted by over 500,000 companies in more than 180 countries. It provides a framework for organizations to manage their environmental responsibilities systematically, contributing to sustainability. 

For an ITAD company, ISO14001 certification is important as it shows a commitment to minimizing environmental impacts through effective management. The certification involves conducting thorough environmental impact assessments, setting goals, and continually monitoring and reviewing environmental performance  

Clients working with an ISO14001-accredited ITAD company can trust their IT and data center equipment will be disposed of responsibly. This includes proper recycling, handling hazardous materials, and adhering to e-waste regulations. Certified companies will also prioritize sustainability and resource efficiency, focusing on reusing and refurbishing equipment to extend its lifecycle and reduce the need for new resources, offering both environmental and financial benefits.  

What does ISO14001 mean for a company evaluating ITAD vendors? 

When making decisions about your global ITAD program, starting by considering companies accredited to ISO14001 will ensure that the organizations will be able to share additional information to support your selection process. Here are some environmental management questions you might want to ask. 

  • What are your environmental and sustainability objectives? 
  • Can you provide evidence of your environmental performance? 
  • Have you had any environmental non-compliance issues or fines? 
  • How are you managing energy usage? 
  • What is your process for managing hazardous waste compliance? 
  • How do you communicate environmental goals with your employees? 
  • What is your emergency response procedure for situations such as fires or floods? 
  • What is your business resilience plan? 

SK tes operates to ISO14001 Environmental Management Standards throughout its global network of over 40 sites in over 20 countries around the world. Find out more about SK tes’ global facilities here 

ISO/IEC 27001:2022  - Information Security Management Standard 

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It includes policies, procedures, and controls tailored to an organization's risk environment to protect information from threats and vulnerabilities.  

With over 70,000 certificates issued worldwide, ISO 27001 helps ITAD companies to comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to data protection. The ISO27001 information management system focuses on protecting information confidentiality, integrity and availability and requires companies to have people, physical, technology and organizational controls in place. 

For IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) companies, ISO 27001 is crucial. ITAD companies handle the secure disposal of obsolete IT equipment, often containing sensitive data. Achieving ISO 27001 certification demonstrates adherence to high standards of information security, minimizing the risk of data breaches during the disposal process.  

Clients engaging with an ITAD company that is ISO27001 certified can expect a high standard of information security management. The certification indicates a robust framework to protect sensitive information, making it easier for certified companies to prove secure equipment disposal reuse to auditors.  

What does ISO27001 mean for the company evaluating ITAD companies? 

When deciding on your global ITAD company, beginning with companies accredited to ISO27001 can ensure they are capable of providing the necessary information to inform your decision. Here are some information security questions you might consider including in your global ITAD RFI/RFP. 

  • Can you provide your information security management policy? 
  • How are employees trained on information security procedures? 
  • Who has responsibility for information security management? 
  • How are information security management updates communicated with the organization? 
  • How are you managing potential information security risks? 
  • How does the organization manage the impact of any system or structural changes on information security? 
  • How is the company working to improve information security? 
  • How does the company help you meet the requirements of data protection legislation such as HIPAA and GDPR? 

Sk tes is rolling out ISO27001 across all sites globally, find out more in our recent press release.  

ISO45001:2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard 

ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety management systems, created to ensure that organizations provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as well as proactively improving their occupational health and safety (OH&S) performance.  

Adopted by 195,000 organizations worldwide, it is crucial for ITAD companies, which face health and safety risks from handling electronic equipment and hazardous materials. By adhering to ISO 45001 standards, ITAD companies systematically identify and manage these risks, thereby reducing the likelihood of workplace injuries and illnesses.  

ISO45001 certification demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a safe work environment and continuous improvement in health and safety measures. Partnering with ISO45001 shows a commitment to corporate social responsibility. It reflects an organization’s dedication to maintaining high standards of health and safety in its supply chain, ensuring a safer, more responsible ITAD process. 

What does ISO45001 mean when evaluating ITAD suppliers? 

ISO45001 certification signals that an ITAD supplier has a commitment to safety, continuous improvement, and high operational standards. Here are some occupational health and safety questions that an ISO45001-accredited ITAD company will be able to respond to. 

  • How does management demonstrate leadership and commitment to health and safety management? 
  • What processes are in place for identifying workplace hazards and assessing risks in the ITAD process? 
  • How do you ensure that ITAD technicians are trained in health and safety procedures relevant to their roles? 
  • How do you monitor and measure your health and safety performance? 
  • How do you risk assess ITAD activities that take place at client sites? 

SK tes operates to ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety across all our facilities around the world, find out more about compliance at SK tes here.  

Select SK tes as your global ITAD company with appropriate ISO standards 

Validating the certifications of ITAD vendors is essential to ensure adherence to industry standards and quality. Decentralized ITAD programs can make it challenging to confirm if business units use certified vendors. Partnering with a globally accredited ITAD company, like SK tes, ensures consistent compliance worldwide. This guide from SK tes provides steps to consolidate your global ITAD program and improve operational efficiency.